If there is an emergency, please call 9-1-1 or UCCS Police at (719) 255-3111
Community Referrals Resources
On-Campus Community Referrals Resources
For information about on-campus support services for currently marginalized students, please visit MOSAIC (uccs.edu).
Referral Services
211 United Way Hotline | 2-1-1 - Pikes Peak United Way (ppunitedway.org) | 211
The United Way Hotline provides free confidential referrals to community resources.
Asian Pacific Development Center | ABOUT | apdc | 303-923-2920
APDC serves and supports all immigrant and refugee communities through comprehensive advocacy.
Benefits in Action | Benefits in Action | 720-221-8354
Benefits in Action assists individuals in applying for and accessing public benefits.
Servicios de la Raza | Servicios de la Raza | 303-458-5851
Servicios de la Raza connects underserved Hispanic populations with community resources.
Voces Unidas for Justice | Voces Unidas for Justice - ABOUTSOBRE | 720-588-8219
Voces Unidas for Justice provides referrals and services for Hispanic women and immigrants.
Office of New Americans | Office of New Americans | Department of Labor & Employment (colorado.gov)
The Office of New Americans provides resources for immigrants and refugees to assist with integration.