If there is an emergency, please call 9-1-1 or UCCS Police at (719) 255-3111

The Conduct Process
Students may be assigned the following sanctions if they are found responsible for a violation of university policy. This is not an exhaustive list of sanctions.
Alcohol and Drug Education Classes, Administrative Sanctions
- Choices
- The cost of this program is $75.00
- Alternatives
- The cost of this program is $75.00
- Alcohol or Drug Evaluation
- Students may be required to complete an alcohol or drug evaluation with a substance abuse counselor. These evaluations can be completed either at the Wellness Center or at an off campus facility. The recommendations from the evaluation are shared with the Office of the Dean of Students and the student is required to complete any recommendations described in the evaluation.
- Letter of Notice
- Policy reminder
- Written Warning
- A written statement that the behavior was inappropriate and more serious conduct action will be taken should subsequent infractions occur
- Formal Reprimand
- More serious than a Written Warning, a student receives a Formal Reprimand when any future violations of the Student Code of Conduct will likely result in more severe disciplinary actions
- Parent/Guardian Notification
- A parent/guardian may be notified for an alcohol or drug violation (when the student is under the age of 21) or if a housing student is sanctioned to a formal reprimand.
- Disciplinary Probation
- Probation for a designated period of time in which specific sanctions or restriction may be imposed as part of this probation. Further prohibited conduct is likely to result in suspension. The student on disciplinary probation is not in good standing with the University. Loss of good standing may prohibit or impact a student from:
- a. Representing the University through official events
- b. Studying Abroad
- c. Serving in a leadership position or on a University committee
- Probation for a designated period of time in which specific sanctions or restriction may be imposed as part of this probation. Further prohibited conduct is likely to result in suspension. The student on disciplinary probation is not in good standing with the University. Loss of good standing may prohibit or impact a student from:
- No Contact Order
- Exclusion
- The student is denied access to all or a portion of campus. Student exclusions will be issued in coordination with the UCCS Police Department. When a student is excluded from University property, that student may be permitted onto University property for limited periods and specific activities with the permission of the UCCS Chief of Police and the Dean of Students or designee. Should the student enter University property without permission, the student is subject to action taken by law enforcement for criminal trespass.
- Termination of Housing Contract
- The student’s residence hall agreement is terminated through the conduct process and the student is prohibited from residing in any University residence hall on either a permanent or temporary basis. Specific exclusion from the residence halls may also be imposed. Termination may occur in cases where a student appears to be involved in violations of the Code and the behavior or pattern of behavior has a significant negative impact on their living community. Students whose housing contract is terminated through the conduct process are financially responsible for all charges associated with housing for the remainder of the academic year. Parents or guardians of housing residents under age 21 will be notified of residence hall termination as a result of suspension or expulsion.
- Suspension in Abeyance
- The student is suspended from the University, but due to mitigating circumstances, the suspension is deferred, allowing the student to continue with daily University activities and providing a student with one final opportunity to prove they can operate responsibly within the community. If the student, through the conduct process, is found to have violated the Code during the period of the suspension in abeyance, the student will be immediately suspended from the University for the duration of the abeyance, as well as given additional sanctions, including an extension of the suspension, or expulsion.
- Suspension
- The student is required to leave the University for a specific period of time. An indication of suspension appears on the student’s transcript. After the period of suspension has expired, the transcript notation will be removed upon request of the student. The student Updated 9/7/2022 12 is required to apply for readmission to the University after the suspension period through the Office of Admissions. Suspension from the University includes an automatic exclusion from campus property during the period of suspension. A suspension decision results in the student being suspended from all campuses of the University of Colorado System.
- Expulsion
- The student is required to permanently leave the University. A notation of expulsion keeps the incident on file in the Office of the Dean of Students indefinitely. Expulsion from the University includes an automatic exclusion from the campus property. An expulsion decision results in the student being expelled from all campuses in the University of Colorado System. An indication of expulsion appears on the student’s transcript