Submit a Concern / Refer a Student

Before You Begin

Please be aware that the CARE Team operates during regular campus business hours, M-F, 8:00am-5:00pm. Form submissions outside of these hours, including campus closures and weekends, will be reviewed on the next business day.

In the event of a health or safety emergency, please call UCCS Police at (719) 255-3111 or dial 911. 

CARE Concern

UCCS Campus in the Snow

For concerns about a student's mental health and well-being (non-life threatening) or to request resource information for a student, please submit a referral to our CARE Team.

Basic Needs Concern

Tree with Yellow Leaves

For concerns related to a student's access to basic needs, please submit a referral.

Conduct Concern

Marble Statue of Mountain Lion

For concerns about disruptive or inappropriate behaviors, please submit a referral. 

Faculty, please consider if the Academic Disruption Procedure applies.

OIE Concern

Main Hall covered in ivy

For concerns of protected class discrimination or harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, stalking, sexual harassment, or sexual misconduct, please submit a referral to the Office of Institutional Equity.