If there is an emergency, please call 9-1-1 or UCCS Police at (719) 255-3111

Care Team
What is the CARE team?
Purpose of the Team
The CARE (Campus Assessment Response and Evaluation) Team addresses concerns related to students’ safety and wellbeing, and we support students in times of challenge and crisis. The CARE Team assesses and responds to reported concerns or disruptions, we create access to resources for students to maintain their safety, health, and well-being, and we evaluate whether individuals pose a risk to themselves or others.
UCCS cares about our students' holistic development and wellness. We believe that if a student is to be successful academically, support must also be given on an emotional, social, physical, and intellectual basis. If you believe a student may be struggling in any of these areas or may present a health or safety risk, please refer them to the CARE Team.
Functions, Additional Services and Memberships
We engage in a culture of care and strive to maintain the well-being of the campus community.
We assess and intervene with individuals who are struggling or who demonstrate concerning or threatening behavior, while trying to avoid the use of punitive measures.
We provide support and resources to community members who are concerned for another individual.
Connect with a member of the CARE Team regarding the safety and well-being of students by drawing upon professional expertise within the campus community.
The CARE Team is a campus-wide committee of appointed staff from the Office of the Dean of Students, Mental Health Services, and UCCS Police. The CARE Team is administered by the Office of Dean of Students. The CARE team consists of university personnel with expertise in mental and physical health, student affairs, student resiliency, student conduct, and law enforcement/campus safety.
Additional resources:
Depending on the circumstances, the CARE Team may bring together additional resources (Residence Life and Housing, Office of Institutional Equity, Disability Services, Faculty, Student Employment, Health Services, etc.) to fully address the issue. To ensure the quickest response, contact Public Safety Dispatch at (719) 255-3111 to inform the CARE Team of a situation. They will then contact a member of the team. However, you may contact any member of the team.
The Core of the CARE Team is Comprised of:
Office of the Dean of Students
Alex Baker - Assistant Dean of Students and CARE Team and Student Support Director
Dr. Amanda Allee - Assistant Vice Chancellor Student Support and Engagement
Mental Health Services
Dr. Cathy Calvert - Director of Mental Health Services
Dr. Benek Altayli - Executive Director of Wellness Center
UCCS Police Department
Clay Garner - Police Lieutenant | Director of Police Operations
Michael Schaller - Detective
To contact the UCCS Police, please call (719) 255-3111.