Student Conduct

Student Conduct

The purpose of the Student Code of Conduct (“Code”) is to maintain the general welfare of the University community, and support community safety and student growth by helping students. The University strives to make the campus community a place of study, work, and residence where people are treated with respect and civility. The University views the student conduct process as a learning experience that can result in growth and personal understanding of one's responsibilities and privileges within both the University community and the greater community.

You Received a Conduct Meeting Notification, The Resolution Process, Prepare for Your Conduct Meeting

After the Conduct Process, Resources and FAQs, Faculty / Staff Resources

Student Code of Conduct

Other Conduct-Related Policies

Under UCCS policy Sexual Misconduct includes: Sexual assault non-consensual sexual intercourse; Sexual assault: non-consensual sexual contact; Sexual exploitation Intimate partner abuse (including domestic or dating violence); Gender/sex-based stalking; Sexual harassment; Retaliation as related to any form of sexual misconduct described. Any investigation of an alleged sexual misconduct violation is guided by policies and procedures provided by the Office of Institutional Equity.

UCCS Sexual Misconduct Policy

UCCS prohibits discrimination and harassment based on 15 protected class statuses. The Office of institutional Equity investigates all allegations of protected class discrimination and harassment.

Protected Class Discrimination Harassment

The Office of Institutional Equity (OIE) investigates all complaints of protected class harassment and/or discrimination and/or sexual misconduct. This document describes the investigation process and procedures.

OIE Procedures

For students who choose to live on campus, there are additional expectations related to community living. All housing students are expected to follow the policies instated by the Office of Residence Life and Housing.

Office of Residence Life and Housing Policies

Academic integrity is expected of every student. The code of ethics defines clear academic expectations for students.

Student Academic Ethics Code Policy

This policy reviews the rules and responsibilities of classroom etiquette.

Student Academic Disruption Procedure

CU policy for weapons on campus.

Weapons Policy

Procedures for addressing any alleged violations involving clubs and organizations, including fraternities and sororities.

Club and Organization Conduct Process