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Clyde's Cupboard
About Clyde's Cupboard
Clyde’s Cupboard is a 100% donation-based and non-need-based food pantry on campus that provides free food and toiletries for all enrolled UCCS students.
In a recent NCHA-ACHA survey done at UCCS, nearly a quarter of UCCS students reported they are facing food insecurity, meaning they have missed meals because of lack of funds or have faced hard choices between paying bills or buying groceries.
Clyde’s Cupboard aims to help those students in need while also making every student feel safe and comfortable to visit and utilize our services.
Where are we located?
Clyde's Cupboard is located in the Student Life Office, University Center Room 102. Students can pick up food from the Cupboard Monday through Friday. Mondays, Wednesdays, and Fridays we will be open from 10:00 a.m.- 5:00 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays we will be open from 11:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Clyde's Cupboard also has a satellite location in the Recreation and Wellness Center. This location is used on an as needed basis, so students are encouraged to use the main location in Student Life. We also partner with the UCCS Farmstand located by the farmhouse entrance at 14 Cragmor Village Road. Parking and shuttle services are available at Parking Lot 103.
What Programs are offered?
Mountain Lion Meals
In collaboration with Dining and Hospitality Services, and with support from the Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Office, Clyde's Cupboard can offer students free meals through our Mountain Lion Meals Program. Mountain Lion Meals was created to provide up to three free meals each week to UCCS students at one of our on-campus dining halls, the Roaring Fork or The Lodge. This program is a first come, first served program with a limited number of meals to be distributed each week during the Fall and Spring semesters. To sign up for Mountain Lion Meals, complete the Meal Request Form: Mountain Lion Meals (google.com) This form will close when all meals are claimed for the week, and will re-open on Monday afternoons.
Fresh Food Fridays
In an effort to provide healthy and nutritious options to students, Clyde's Cupboard will host Fresh Food Fridays throughout the Fall and Spring semesters. Students can pick up a selection of fresh food including vegetables, fruit, milk, bread, and more. Dates and times of the Fresh Food Fridays will be posted on Clyde's Cupboard social media accounts.
UCCS Farmstand
In addition to Clyde’s Cupboard, we are proud to offer the UCCS Farmstand, located at the entrance to the Farmhouse. The Farmstand provides students with 24/7 access to fresh produce and eggs, all grown right here on campus. Like Clyde’s Cupboard, the Farmstand is non-need-based, meaning any enrolled UCCS student can take what they need—no fees, no questions asked. This expansion ensures that all students have access to healthy, nutritious options as part of our mission to combat food insecurity and support student well-being.
Who should I contact with questions?
What should I donate?
If you would like to make a financial contribution to Clyde's Cupboard, please follow this link to our donation page.
If you would like to donate physical items to Clyde's Cupboard, such as food or hygiene products, you can find our blue donation boxes in the student life lounge or outside the Dean of Students Office at Main Hall 201. Below is a list of in-demand items we recommend that you donate, but all donations are welcome:
- Cereal
- Shelf-Stable Milk
- Peanut Butter
- Granola Bars
- Fruit Cups
- Pasta
- Pasta Sauce
- Rice
- Macaroni and Cheese
- Canned Meats
- Canned Veggies
- Canned Beans
Please make sure items are not expired upon donation, as we are unable to distribute expired products.
If you would like to support Clyde's Cupboard you can make a donation online or by emailing cupboard@uccs.edu.
Follow Clyde's Cupboard on Facebook @UCCSClydesCupboard
Follow Clyde's Cupboard on Instagram @clydescupboard