If there is an emergency, please call 9-1-1 or UCCS Police at (719) 255-3111

CARE Team Process
CARE Team Process
Anyone can make a referral or report a concern to the CARE Team. The best way to make a referral or report a concerning behavior is to complete an online form found here. When making a referral or to report a concern, please include all relevant details in your referral. This helps us best assess the situation to better support a student.
Although the incident reporting form requests the identity and contact information of the reporter to allow follow-up and clarification of information, anonymous reports will be accepted. Reports missing contact information may adversely affect the team’s ability to fully respond to identified concerns.
If a situation is an emergency and requires immediate response, dial 911 or UCCS Police (719-255-3111) to request emergency services.
Please be aware that the CARE Team operates during regular campus business hours, M-F, 8:00am-5:00pm. Form submissions outside of these hours, including campus closures and weekends, will be reviewed on the next business day. Based on the information in the report, we conduct a safety and risk assessment and develop a response plan.
Our first priority is always contacting students currently in crisis, especially those who have expressed serious mental health concerns or suicidal ideation. Next, we prioritize students needing support, but not actively in crisis. Having a thorough report with relevant details, helps us set response priorities.
Each concern is unique, and our response plans vary by the severity of the concern. In some cases, we work with the reporter to obtain additional information and provide recommended actions, which may include other campus resources. In other cases, we work directly with the student facilitating a meeting to learn about the student and their experience, explore resource or resolution options, and develop a plan of action.
We utilize various methods to connect with students. Outreach to students includes phone calls, text messages, emails, Microsoft Teams messages, and sometimes in-person wellbeing visits. In less urgent cases, outreach starts with an email to schedule a phone call or meeting. Our efforts may escalate to other outreach methods if a student is not responsive to our initial emails.
Other responses from the CARE Team may include:
Establishing baseline behavior
Reaching out to the student to express concern and ask about their wellbeing
Meeting with the student(s) involved to discuss:
Student needs
Campus and community services
UCCS expectations/ Student Code of Conduct
Referring the student to campus programs and services (Wellness Center, Financial Aid, Disability Services, Excel Centers, Student and Family Connections, etc.)
Referring the student to community resources
Facilitating a meeting between concerned parties
In some cases, reports require an evaluation as to whether individuals pose a risk to themselves or others. Each member of the CARE Team has specialized training related to their field of professional practice. As a whole, the CARE Team utilizes the NABITA Risk Rubric to evaluate campus safety concerns.
During the academic year, the CARE Team meets weekly. The agenda is coordinated by CARE Team Director, and it includes assessment and evaluation of new and ongoing concerns. During the meeting, additional actions may be suggested and coordinated, or the case may be closed.
Emergency meetings may be called when a situation is urgent and an immediate response is necessary.
Records for CARE reports are maintained in secure database, accessible only to those with the appropriate training and credentials.
Records maintained by the CARE Team are subject to the University policy on student educational records and may only be disclosed under provisions outlined in the Family Educational Records and Privacy Act (FERPA).