CARE Handout

Additional Information

Faculty and staff play a key role in keeping the Campus Community and our students safe.

  • Often the first to recognize that a student needs help
  • Important to have knowledge of campus and community resources for referral
  • Responsibility to maintain appropriate learning environment
  • Responsibility to report threatening and/or concerning behaviors
  • Encourage faculty and instructors to document incidents and concerns in writing
    • Second and third hand reports can present numerous challenges
      • Reports should address concerns directly – if there is a concern it needs to be expressed as a concern
  • Objectivity is essential in documenting classroom disruption
    • The report should be very factual and void of personal opinions and feelings
    • Detail, detail, detail. The more details included in the report that easier it is to make an informed decision.
  • Encourage faculty and staff to read and understand the Code of Conduct
    • Some concerns in the classroom do not necessarily fit into this code and may need to be evaluated in more than one context
      • One common example of this is in creative expression that may touch on disturbing or violent subject matter
        • How are expectations about what is acceptable and limitations about such expression communicated to students?
        • Is there a policy or statement in the syllabus?
        • Who should review this content and using what scale?

Our response will vary greatly depending on:

  • Nature and Severity of the behaviors and concerns
  • Actions and attempts made by faculty/staff to address concerns
  • Determination of Code of Conduct Violation

Our response may include:

Coordinated responses may include, but are not limited to, identification of and referral to appropriate support services and resources on- or off-campus; informal resolution measures such as mediation; facilitated dialogue between parties involved; discussions in residence halls or at other campus locations, campus notices and fact sharing; and promotion of wider educational awareness, prevention, and outreach.

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